Warhammer 40k Astartes Forces Heraldry – G
Hi gals, guys and my emby pals, here is the next Astartes forces heraldry icons section G. Feel free to following along in my progress on the Bolter and Chainsword if you feel so inclined. This project included all Space Marine Chapters, Renegade forces, and Chaos warbands. If you know of or have any references for the “?” heraldry please let me know down in the comments below or in my B&C thread.

In the image above I have listed all the different chapters I found in my research. I have left the ones with no reference unfinished for now and perhaps I can come back to them another day. If you are interested in checking out the reference photos I used, you can find all the links at the bottom of the post.
I have cross-referenced and created all my Astartes lists with the following resources you can find below:
- http://wh40k.lexican...t)#.UAKnovo1jbU
- http://wh40k.lexican...Chapters_(List)
- http://wh40k.lexican...Warbands_(List)
- http://wh40k.lexican...Chapters_(List)
- http://wh40k.lexican...ki/Lost_Chapter
- http://wh40k.lexican...Later_Foundings
- http://philipsibberi...ry/page-2/#tabs (Only looking at the canon list.)
- http://www.bolterand...allery-project/ (Thanks to Philip S! Only looking at the canon list.)
- http://warhammer40k....Marine_Warbands
- http://warhammer40k....Marine_Chapters
- http://www.bolterand...abula-astartes/ (Thanks to Brother Tyler! Only looking at the canon list.)
- 7th Edition Space Marines Codex bonus booklet, which can be found here. (Thanks Dusktiger!)
- 3rd Edition Space Marines Codex image, which is here. (If anyone has a bigger version of this image, I'd love to get my hands on it.. this one is a little small.)
- Genesis Chapter— Reference | Finished Heraldry
- Germinatoris — None
- Gilded Manifestans — None
- Gladiator Group 138 — Reference | Finished Heraldry
- Glooming Lords — Reference | Finished Heraldry
- Golden Angels — None
- Golden Blades — None
- Golden Gryphons — Reference | Finished Heraldry
- Golden Halos — Reference | Finished Heraldry
- Golden Paladins — None
- Golden Sons — None
- Golden Taint — None
- Gore Golems — None
- Gorefists — None
- Gorehands — None
- Gorehounds — None
- Gorehunters — Reference | Finished Heraldry
- Goremongers — None
- Gorgons — Reference | Finished Heraldry
- Grail Guard — None
- Grand Guard — None
- Grand Order of Hermetic Blades— Reference | Finished Heraldry
- Graven Fists — None
- Graven Spectres — None
- Grey Death — Reference | Finished Heraldry
- Grey Giants — None
- Grey Glaives — None
- Grey Knights — Reference | Finished Heraldry
- Grey Slayers — None
- Grief Bringers — None
- Griffon Lords — Reference | Finished Heraldry
- Griffons of Repentance — None
- Grimhunters — None
- Guardians of Celeres — Reference | Finished Heraldry
- Guardians of the Covenant — Reference | Finished Heraldry

Heya! I’m Fabalah, an artist who’s into space, the occult, and cute things! If you want to support my designs you can do so here. Now with all that out of the way let’s dive right into the comment section! Thanks for all your feedback and support!
It didn’t stop being magick just because you found out how it was done.